Have you noticed the cleared-out shelves where the hand sanitizer, bread, and canned goods used to be?  It’s hard not to! Boosting health and immunity is something you can shift with the choices you make!

With the high levels of fear due to Coronavirus, I would like to remind everyone that, in addition to defensive strategies, such as proper handwashing and not touching your face unless you have just washed your hands, etc, there are many helpful offensive strategies that we can implement in order to boost our immune systems and strengthen health.

The following are immune strengthening foundational habits to build the healthy terrain of our bodies:

  • Eating fresh, nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, whole foods
  • Staying well hydrated and moving our bowels approx 12″ daily
  • Sleeping 8 hours per night generally between 10 pm and 6 am
  • Tending to our stress levels and keeping them at a reasonable level and managed
  • Nurturing our Connections and Relationships
  • Moving our bodies and deep breathing to stimulate the lymphatic system, which is the waste management system of the body at the cellular level.

I recommend working with a Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner to determine, in your individual case, if you have signs of deficiency and need these immune boosting supplements:

  • Vitamin C – flushes the liver so that it can filter toxins through more efficiently.
  • D3/K2 – D3 helps immunity, including respiratory health, and is responsible for more than a hundred body processes. K2 allows for proper D3 absorption in the body.
  • Probiotics – boost immunity by crowding out the bad bugs and restoring the good bugs in your gut
  • Zinc and Selenium – boosts immune system during cold and flus

I recommend starting supplements with guidance from your Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle counselor so that we can assess your response, make recommendations, and track your progress regarding your supplements.

The following supportive antiviral supplements are helpful to have on hand:

  • Oscillococcinum – this homeopathic can lessen severity and duration when taken at first sign of the flu virus and possibly other viruses
  • Oregano Oil – This anti-viral is strong and should be combined with food so as not to be burning to the stomach
  • Pure Defense with NAC – supports immune health
  • Silvercillin – natural antibacterial and antiviral
  • Monolauren – supports immune health

Many clients ask where to buy quality supplements. So, I wrote a blog on how to pick high-quality supplements. I hope you find it helpful.

So much can be done to strengthen health and immunity.  It is empowering to focus on what we CAN control and influence.

Schedule your Free Functional Nutrition Consult or to get started with Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling to strengthen your health foundation.

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