How I Get More Healing Benefits From a Massage
After receiving massage for 18 years and providing massage for 14, I have noticed a trend. Many people are not reaping the full possible benefits of their massage! Part of what inspired me to write this for you was the experience I had recently when I rode multiple roller coasters for the first time in years. My kids are old enough now to ride the big ones for the first time, so I wanted to experience that with them. Man, was I scared at first, which surprised me because as a teen I was so very fearless in this situation.
The ABC’s of Self-Care
As a registered nurse, when a patient is in an acute physiological crisis, the first three things we address immediately, and in this order, are ABC: airway, breathing, then circulation, in order to stabilize the patient. As a healer and wellness coach, I believe there are also ABC’s of self-care when you find yourself in an acute mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual crisis. A very common one that most people experience at some point is stress overload! And, if you need to be convinced how important it is to address your stress, remember that stress leads to chronic illness as much as any other factor.
Love your Liver to Balance Hormones and Weight
I talk with clients all the time about the health of the liver. The liver is such an important organ. Did you know that our liver plays an integral part in our hormonal health? In fact, the liver can be the root cause of many health conditions and diseases such as...
How to Test and Boost your Stomach Acid
Did you know that your stomach is and needs to be a very acidic place? When your digestion is functioning properly, your stomach is
very acidic, with a PH of 1.0-1.5! Do you know why you need your stomach to be so highly acidic? Make a guess!
What I learned about managing early Covid symptoms
I attended a virtual meeting of Functional Medicine and Integrative Practitioners last night and learned some excellent information from the hospital front lines as well as the scientific research on Covid-19 that I want to share with you, my readers, right away. I...
Natural Solutions for Digestion and Digestive Health
Digestive Health is the foundation of all health and often the root cause of health issues. Without a healthy and properly functioning digestive system, we cannot absorb and assimilate nutrients. This is why we all can use natural solutions for digestion and...