The ABC’s of Self-Care

The ABC’s of Self-Care

As a registered nurse, when a patient is in an acute physiological crisis, the first three things we address immediately, and in this order, are ABC: airway, breathing, then circulation. To stabilize the patient, those take priority. As a healer and wellness coach, I...
Love your Liver to Balance Hormones and Weight

Love your Liver to Balance Hormones and Weight

I talk with clients all the time about the health of the liver.  The liver is such an important organ.  Did you know that our liver plays an integral part in our hormonal health?  In fact, the liver can be the root cause of many health conditions and diseases such as...
How to Test and Boost your Stomach Acid

How to Test and Boost your Stomach Acid

Did you know that your stomach is and needs to be a very acidic place? When your digestion is functioning properly, your stomach is very acidic, with a pH of 1.0-1.5! Let’s look at how to test and boost your stomach acid (if necessary). First, let’s look...
What I learned about managing early Covid symptoms

What I learned about managing early Covid symptoms

I attended a virtual meeting of Functional Medicine and Integrative Practitioners last night and learned some excellent information from the hospital front lines as well as the scientific research on Covid-19 that I want to share with you, my readers, right away. I...
How to Choose High Quality Supplements

How to Choose High Quality Supplements

There are many factors to consider when choosing supplements. I want to share how to choose high quality supplements and why you should.Factors that impact qualityHere is a list of important factors:contains quality ingredients,has bioavailable forms of the...

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