Digestive Health is the foundation of all health and often the root cause of health issues. Without a healthy and properly functioning digestive system, we cannot absorb and assimilate nutrients.  This is why we all can use natural solutions for digestion and digestive health!

One way of looking at it is that if your digestive system is not functioning properly, you are like a car with no way of getting gas.  You cannot go. You cannot function properly, definitely not optimally, and maybe you cannot function at all.

Eating plenty of nutrient dense healthy foods is very important.  See my cultured veggie video and other probiotic food videos below!  But, even if you are eating organic whole foods, with plenty of fruits and veggies and high-quality protein, if your digestive system cannot break down those nutrients, if it cannot absorb and assimilate those nutrients, you will be left feeling crummy in a wide variety of possible ways.

Some Signs and Symptoms of Digestive Imbalance

  • Weight Gain
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Brain Fog
  • Depressed Mood
  • Low Energy
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Gas
  • Frequent Colds or Illness
  • Aches and Pains
  • Over time, even disease such as cardiovascular disease, IBS, and autoimmune disease may result

Yes, I did say you may feel aches and pains.  How is it possible that an ache in your knees, wrists, elbows or hands can be caused by a system that is, for the most part, in your belly?

How does digestion impact overall health?

When food isn’t broken down properly by your digestive system, AND when your intestinal lining is not healthy and functioning well, undigested particles of food may enter the bloodstream through your compromised intestinal lining.  Because these particles do not belong in the bloodstream, your body mounts an inflammatory response.

Your body is protecting itself

These undigested food particles are seen like foreign invaders and your body begins to fight them.  Leaky gut leads to inflammation in the body, not just the gut! The joints.  Brain function. Blood cholesterol levels. Inflammation. The Endocrine System: your hormones may become out of whack because your body is not able to properly digest the good fats you are eating. (You are eating plenty of good, anti-inflammatory fats, right? Your body needs them for proper hormone balance!)

When your digestive system is not strong and healthy, your body and all of its systems are not getting the nutrients needed to function properly, much less optimally. The result – you feel crummy!

Who wants to feel crummy?  Suffering with mood imbalance, hopelessness or poor outlook; suffering at work and in relationships – becoming less active and impacting your whole life – all because of digestive imbalance.

There’s Hope!

You have the power to change how you feel, and I am here to guide you.

I can help you.

  • You can heal and strengthen your digestive system, the foundation of your health, through lifestyle and nutrition changes.  If you have already been diagnosed with an illness such as high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, or cystitis, I can help you.  
  • If you are experiencing symptoms as listed above, and don’t want to wait until you develop an illness or disease, I can help.  
  • Practitioners: if you want to better assist your patients or clients in dealing with these issues and becoming well, I can help you.



Making Cultured Vegetables

I am so excited to help you get started on healing and rebuilding your digestion and life!  One great way to begin to take charge of your health right away is to begin eating cultured vegetables. Have a spoonful with each of your meals. You can purchase them, or here is a video on how to make your own!  It’s simple and fun!

Milk kefir is healing for your digestion and, when made at home with live kefir grains (which store bought kefir is not made with) contains anywhere from 30 to 50 different strains of probiotics per serving.  Even if you are lactose intolerant, most people can drink cow’s milk kefir.  Coconut milk kefir is my favorite type of milk kefir.  It’s delicious and beneficial to your digestive health.  Have a few ounces a day on an empty stomach.  Learn how to make your own milk kefir here!


Try replacing sodas with this great tasting, healthy, fizzy, detoxifying and antioxidant-filled probiotic beverage.  Here’s how to make kombucha tea at home!



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