Do you believe you have low stomach acid and some of the problems associated with it?
If you have low stomach acid, I am going to share Two Natural Solutions for Boosting Stomach Acid Now. Not sure?  Try these natural solutions FIRST!

Here are my top two natural solutions to help boost your stomach acid levels naturally:

  1. Drink the juice of up to ½ a large lemon or 1 whole small lemon diluted in water before your meals. You can also do this first thing in the morning to help kickstart your digestion.
  2. Mix 1 Tbsp organic, raw, fermented Apple Cider Vinegar into 1/4-1/2 cup water and drink this first thing in the morning or with your meals.

Both of these strategies will gently boost your stomach acid. Drink the amount that works for you. I recommend using a straw in order to avoid too much acidity in contact with your teeth. You can try this daily or just before heavy meals.

If you try these natural methods for a few weeks and they do not prove to be enough, you may choose to supplement gently and carefully with Betaine HCL as described here.


What Else May Help?

Do not underestimate the importance of stress-management. Did you know that chronic stress lowers stomach acid levels?! Getting your stress in check can support your health in many ways. Massage, bodywork and energy work can be helpful to reduce stress when you may not be able to change it otherwise.

Optimizing HOW you eat can also help! The cephalic phase of digestion, which involves feeling your hunger, smelling the food, anticipating the food, allowing saliva to build in your mouth, and eating in a relaxed state and chewing your food well, also boosts stomach acid naturally.

Incorporate these natural solutions into your life and you may be able to back off on other methods of boosting stomach acid.


Need More Support?

It can be hard to walk this road alone. As a nurse, Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Counselor, Licensed Massage Therapist and Energy Worker, I understand and would be honored to support you as you work to feel your best.

Schedule a complimentary consultation, bodywork session or nutrition support here.

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