What are soul embodiment sessions? Ever wonder what happens during energy work sessions? Soul embodiment/alchemical alignment sessions in particular? You’re in good company if you are curious! So, it is my honor to share more about this practice.

What are soul embodiment sessions?

Soul embodiment sessions are part of Alchemical Alignment therapy which is a type of energy work. The practice supports the release of somatic trauma held in the body and nervous system.  It provides a safe and nurturing healing space to explore, release and integrate body, mind and spirit.

Are you someone who can benefit?

  • Did you have a difficult birth experience or trauma as an infant?

  • Do you have childhood trauma that makes you feel triggered as a result?

  • Sometimes the experience of an accident, assault, fetal loss, difficult pregnancy, birthing experience, illness or surgery can be a factor

  • Someone who has difficulty living in the present, or continually focusing on the past or the future?

  • Is it hard to get grounded into your body?

  • Do you feel like you leave your body and go elsewhere?

If you can identify with any of these questions, then you may have trauma that is unresolved. As a result, your nervous system may be dysregulated. Nervous system dysregulation can manifest in physical and emotional ways. There is no singular set of symptoms or feelings that captures trauma and trauma response fully. Your feelings are always valid.

How can I benefit from soul embodiment/alchemical alignment sessions?

Releasing the emotional charge of trauma supports healing. Working in short sessions helps avoid re-traumatizing the body and nervous system.  Releasing means that the memory can no longer demand attention. And that means resolving physical symptoms, emotional triggers or barriers to relationships or work.

While everyone is unique in what somatic trauma release offers them, there are some general benefits that you might experience:

  • Sessions can result in a feeling of more expansiveness and lightness in the body.

  • Feeling more comfortable and at home in your body.
  • Engaging with life and having a sense of renewed resiliency.

  • You may feel less hypervigilant in your environment and have a greater sense of safety and calm in the world.

  • Establishing healthy boundaries may be easier as is grounding in the present.

  • You may feel more connected with others around you and more connected to yourself, your body, and your spiritual life.


What is an alchemical alignment session like?

Every alchemical alignment session is unique. Sessions can be in person or remote over the phone or via Zoom. Also, no physical touch is necessary.

  1. Initially, the client leads with an intention of what they hope to accomplish in a session and what their body wants to release.  Personal choice is always honored.
  2. Once that is determined, we begin grounding in the present and being in the body.
  3. Next is following the body and nervous system’s lead to stabilize, identify and release stored trauma.
  4. Since the body has its own rhythm, we honor your pace.  Accordingly, the process happens in small pieces. Client comfort, safety and choice are always central.


What if I don’t think I experienced trauma? Can I still benefit?

What we call trauma does not have to be anything monstrous. If you have ever had a sense of being overwhelmed or felt like a situation was too big to cope with, then your body may have experienced a somatic trauma. An example could be having to stand outside in the cold as you waited for the bus as a child. It could be the memory of sitting at the dinner table until you finished the last lima bean on your plate or being sent to bed without dessert or without a hug. The body experiences overwhelm, fear, excess, and lack in the nervous system.  The inability to cope with or somatically process an event or series of events is considered trauma and is what often gets held in the nervous system.


As an infant or child:

  • If your parents or caregivers were comforting and soothing (co-regulating), then trauma processed and was not held in the body.
  • Without the benefit of this somatic co-regulation, you could be experiencing fight, flight, freeze or fawn.  These responses can get “trapped” or stored by the nervous system and later experienced as emotional triggers and/or physical symptoms until they are released.

As an adult:

  • When something overwhelms your nervous system, you may feel dysregulated. Covid, health issues/illness/surgery, world politics, family dynamics, work circumstances, etc. These things are as “qualifying” as sexual assault, an accident or other trauma.
  • The common denominator is your ability to cope and release. Many of us have found nervous system regulation and our ability to “bounce back” from trauma more challenging in the last few years.

If you feel at all curious after reading this post, consider soul embodiment and alchemical alignment.

To experience an alchemical alignment session, click here to schedule an appointment. Questions? Schedule a free 30-minute consultation.  You deserve to feel good in your body.

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